Wednesday, March 18, 2009

wayne carey animation

disney bears and r.butler monograms...

...just thought I'd pop in a few sketches . These are of bear statues from disney's 'california adventure' theme park. 

I really liked this guy. Such a gentle looking wayfarer. He has in his right hand a can of salmon I think. He was fun to draw and I'm considering using his likeness for the business card project. perhaps...

These are some doodads / monograms I was working on last night. I think it'll be R. BUTLER  for serious paintings and a wee monogram to bury in cartoony or decorative type illustrative works. I like the idea of incorporating the year into the monogram also.

Monday, March 16, 2009

In memoriam....

This blog is dedicated to the memory of  two lovely friends who have recently passed on to the next place. Though my time with you was brief I am forever changed. The echo rings forever on.

W. H. Auden 


All my love to you both. Goodnight and good luck - Rich